Category Archives: Tronc commun

The 2015 Rugby World Cup: Team Talk

Here is the video we watched in class + the worksheet with the questions you had to answer to. 



The English tree (2nd)

Here is the worksheet I gave you! Write a text to present to your teacher and classmates what your relation to the English class and the English language is like! 


Identity: Introducing yourself

Here is the worksheet I gave you to introduce yourself to your classmates and teacher! 


Irregular verbs – planning

Well, I am afraid you will have to revise your verbs again this year! Here is the planning! 

Evaluation de la participation orale

Here is a paper I advise you to read very carefully to get to know what I expect from you in the English class! Please, keep in mind a language is first meant to be spoken! So, SPEAK ENGLISH IN CLASS!!

L’anglais en classe de 2nd

Welcome to the lycée de la Côtière! Here is a paper to be read carefully before starting the school year! 


Un document à destination des parents et des élèves, pour mieux comprendre les objectifs et enjeux de la classe de 2nd en Langues vivantes.

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