Monthly Archives: septembre 2015

Cycling to make the city cleaner (Tle)

Here is the grid summarizing all the information you are given in the two videos about the Boris Bike Scheme. Hope it helps!


RWC 1995 – The rugby match that inspired South Africa (correction) – 1ère

Here is the correction of the questions about the 1995 RWC final. + Invictus official trailer!


2010 is the year of South Africa. Invictus brings an epic story of how Nelson Mandela (Morgan Freeman) joined forces with the captain of South Africa’s rugby team, Francois Pienaar (Matt Damon), to help unite their country.
Newly elected President Mandela knows his nation remains racially and economically divided in the wake of apartheid. Believing he can bring his people together through the universal language of sport, Mandela rallies South Africas underdog rugby team as they make an unlikely run to the 1995 World Cup Championship match.


Cycling to make the city cleaner (Tle)

Here is the worksheet I gave you about the London Boris bikes! Watch the videos again and recap in English!

Following the lead of cities like Paris, Dublin and Montreal, London launched a major cycle hire scheme on Friday which aims to make transport in the city greener ahead of the 2012 Olympics. In spite of accusations of being too expensive and too limited in scale, organisers promise to generate up to 40,000 extra cycle trips a day — and to create the « best hire scheme in the World ». 

Alastair Greener tells you everything you need to know for your first outing on a « Boris Bike » aka the Barclays Cycle Hire scheme now that it’s reached SW London.

How European are you? (2nd euro)

Here is the webquest you had to do in the computer room + the answers. Get ready to talk about Europe next Tuesday!

The Castle of Otranto (H Walpole) – TLELE

Here is the extract from H. Walpole’s novel we are studying in class at the moment. + the worksheet with the questions. 

RWC 1995 – The rugby match that inspired South Africa (Video) – 1ère

Watch the video twice. Take notes and get ready to report! 

ABC Breaking News | Latest News Videos

London: Ten years on: Has London’s congestion charge worked? – CO (Tle)

Here is the video we watched in class  + the worksheet + the correction (CR en français très exhaustif). 

Reading comprehension: The Haka + 2 videos (1ere)

Here is the text + the questions you had to answer to about the origins and the meaning of the Haka.

Enjoy these two Hakas!

The first one is a Haka Ka Maté performed before the France/New Zealand test match in 2013.

The second one is a Haka Kapa O Pango. Ahead of the final of Rugby World Cup 2011 in New Zealand, the French team formed an arrow as the All Blacks performed their pre-match tradition – the haka.

Cartoon: Back to school -jitters (Josh) – 2nd

Here is the worksheet I gave you with the cartoon ‘Back to school, jitters’.


An introduction to Gothic fiction -correction

Here is a correction! Enjoy!

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