Daily Archives: 12 septembre 2015

The 2015 Rugby World Cup: Team Talk

Here is the video we watched in class + the worksheet with the questions you had to answer to. 



Notion 1 Doc1. London air pollution throughout History -correction (Tle)

Here is the correction of the questions on the three short texts + the video studied in class to introduce our first notion. The key words and important structures have been highlighted ! Try and make the best of it! Don’t forget you will have to present these documents next Thursday (PPC) in front of the class! 

The English tree (2nd)

Here is the worksheet I gave you! Write a text to present to your teacher and classmates what your relation to the English class and the English language is like! 


An introduction to Gothic Literature -VIDEO (LELE)

Here is a slide presentation made by an American teacher to introduce Gothic Literature to her students. Watch it and complete your notes about the main features of this sub-genre!

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