Monthly Archives: novembre 2015

The Castle of Otranto – Correction (Tle LELE)

Here is the correction of the extract we studied in class! 

Ebonics: street slang or full-fledged language (1èreES)

Here are the two documents about Ebonics we started studying in class! 

The Haka (2nd)

Here are the text + the questions you had to answer to about this traditional war dance performed by the All Blacks before the rugby matches! 

Watch these two videos again! I JUST LOVE IT!

The first one is a Haka Ka Maté performed before the France/New Zealand test match in 2013.

The second one is a Haka Kapa O Pango. Ahead of the final of Rugby World Cup 2011 in New Zealand, the French team formed an arrow as the All Blacks performed their pre-match tradition – the haka.



Here is the webquest you had to go through to get to know a bit more about our partners’country! Hope you enjoyed it! 

Language school ads (1ère S5)

Here are the adverts you started studying in class! Get ready to present your poster with your classmate on Friday! 

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