Monthly Archives: avril 2016

GAP YEAR (1ère ES2 / 1ère S5)

Here are three different recordings to practise your listening comprehension skills.

1. What is a gap year: listen again to the recording. Take notes and recap IN ENGLISH.

2. Lucy’s gap year: listen to this recording from 3 to 5 times. Take notes and recap IN ENGLISH.

3. Document n°3: Why did you have a gap year? Listen to this recording 3 or 4 times. Take notes and recap IN FRENCH (15 MINUTES MAX TO WRITE YOUR TEXT IN FRENCH)


TEST ‘First meeting’ – correction (Tle)

Here is the correction of the test I gave you just before the holidays. 

Notion 4: plan de synthèse (Tle)

Voici le dernier plan de synthèse pour cette année de terminale. Hope it helps!

Angry brides (Tle)

Here is the press article we studied in class about the Facebook app ‘Angry brides’, a game modelled on the game ‘Angry birds’ whose aim is to raise awereness about the dowry issue in India. 

Here is a correction…

And here is a short video about the game…

A new social-media game is drawing renewed attention to an age-old problem in India – the illegal practice of dowry, or the transfer of wealth from a bride’s family to a groom’s family to coax him into marriage, a practice often abused by families that make excess demands.


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