The Dream Act + Undocumented shadows (Tle)

Here is the worksheet I gave you about the Dream Act! Answer the questions for Thursday! + the video entitled ‘undocumented shadows’ about youn illegal students in the USA;


Undocumented Shadows – A Dream Act Infographic 

Millions of children are brought to the United States illegally without choice. Even though many of them integrate and become active members of their American communities, they face the hardship of not being able to go to college, drive or get jobs, and constantly fear deportation. This infographic Public Service Announcement illustrates the problem dealt by young immigrants and supports the Dream Act, a bill that gives residency to undocumented immigrants. People eligible came here as children, have been here for a substantial amount of time and are of good character. This bill was created to help dreamers in the country they call home: the United States.

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